30. How many types of Repositories are there?
There are three types of Repositories:
1. Standalone Repository
2. Global Repository
3. Local Repository
31. What are the types of metadata stored in Repository?
The following types of metadata are stored in Repository:
1. Database connections
2. Global objects
3. Mappings
4. Mapplets
5. Multi-dimensional metadata
6. Reusable Transformations
7. Sessions and Batches
8. Shortcuts
9. Source Definitions
10. Target definitions
11. Transformations
32. What are the types of locks in Repository?
There are two types of Locks in Repository:
1. Read Lock
2. Write Lock
3. Execute Lock
4. Fetch Lock
5. Save Lock
33. What are Repository objects which we can export?
We can export the following Repository objects:
1. Sources
2. Targets
3. Transformations
4. Mapplets
5. Mappings
6. Sessions
34. What is a Work Flow?
A Work Flow is a set of instructions on how to execute tasks such as sessions, emails and shell commands. A WorkFlow is created from Workflow Manager.
35. What are actions which can be performed by pmcmd command?
We can perform the following actions with pmcmd:
1. Check whether the Informatica server is running
2. Start and stop sessions and batches
3. Recover sessions.
4. Stop the Informatica server.
pmcmd returns zero on success and non zero on failure
36. What is commit interval?
A commit interval is the interval at which the Informatica Server commits data to relational targets during a session.
37. What is the use of Stored Procedure Transformation?
We use the Stored Procedure Transformation for populating and maintaining the database.
38. What is the use of partitioning the sessions?
The partitioning of session increases the session performance by reducing the time period of reading the source data and loading the data into the target.
39. What is the uses of Lookup Transformation?
The Lookup Transformation is useful for:
1. Getting a related value form a table using a key column value
2. Update slowly changing dimension table
3. To check whether records already exists in the table.
40. What is Polling?
It displays the update information about the session in the monitor window. The monitor window displays the status of each session when you poll the Informatica Server.
41. What is a Parameter File?
The parameter File is used to define the values of the parameters and variables used in a session. It is a file created in a notepad and saved with .prm extension.
42. What is Metadata Reporter?
It is a web based application that enables you to run reports against the repository metadata. With a metadata reporter you can access information about your repository without having knowledge of SQL.
43. What is meant by Lookup Cache?
The Informatica server builts a cache in memory when it process the first row of a data in a cached lookup transformation.
44. What is a Load Manager?
The Load Manager is a primary Informatica Server process. It performs the following tasks:
· Manages sessions and batch scheduling
· Locks the session and read the session properties
· Read the parameter file
· Expand the server and session variables and parameters.
· Verify permissions and privileges
45. What are the tasks performed by Sequence Generator Transformation?
1. Create keys
2. Replace missing values
3. Cycle through a sequential range of numbers.
46. What is the end value of the Sequence Generator?
The end value of the Sequence Generator is 2147483647.
47. What are variables supplied by the Transaction Control Transformation?
48. How to implement Update Strategy?
To implement Update Strategy Transformation the source and target table should have primary keys to compare the records the records and to find out the latest changes happened.
49. What are constants of Update Strategy Transformation?
The constants of Update Strategy Transformation are:
1. DD_INSERT - 0
2. DD_UPDATE - 1
3. DD_DELETE - 2
4. DD_REJECT - 3
DD Stands For Data Driven
50 What are the benefits of Star Schema Design?
· Fewer tables
· Designed for analysis across time
· Simplify joins
· Less database space
· Supports drilling on reports
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